Monday, August 19, 2013
Wapendwa wateja wetu na jamii kwa ujumla;
Tunaomba radhi kwa dhati kabisa kwa kutoweza kuwapa huduma za
mawasiliano za mtandao wa Vodacom kuanzia jioni ya siku ya Ijumaa Agosti
16 mpaka Jumamosi asubuhi Agosti 17, 2013....
Hali hii ilisababishwa na moto uliozuka katika jengo lenye kitovu
cha kuendesha (switch) mitambo yetu lililopo Dar es Salaam . Moto huo
ulipelekea kuzimika kwa mtambo wetu na kukata huduma zetu zote nchini na
hivyo kuwaathiri wateja wetu wa ndani na nje ya nchi pamoja na jamii
kwa ujumla.
Tunatambua na kuelewa usumbufu uliosababishwa na
kukosekana kwa huduma zetu, na tunapenda kuwashukuru kwa uvumilivu na
uaminifu wenu kwa Vodacom katika kipindi hiki kigumu.
Tutawarejeshea gharama za vifurushi vya bidhaa zetu hususan, muda wa
maongezi, SMS na huduma za intaneti , mlivyovinunua siku ya Ijumaa
Agosti 16, na ambavyo hamukuweza kuvitumia kikamilifu kutokana na
kutokuwepo kwa mawasiliano. Zoezi hili litakamilika Jumatatu Agosti 19,
Ninaomba niwahakikishie wateja wetu kwamba Vodacom ina
dhamira ya dhati kabisa ya kuendelea kutoa huduma zenye ubora wa hali ya
juu hapa nchini.
Aidha, ninaomba pia kuwashukuru wafanyakazi
na washirika wetu wote waliofanya kazi bila kuchoka ili kuhakikisha kuwa
huduma zetu zinarejea katika hali yake ya kawaida kufikia asubuhi ya
Agosti 17, 2013. Kwa hakika jitihada zao, kujituma kwao na utendaji kazi
wao kwa bidii, vilitoa mchango mkubwa sana katika zoezi hili.
Kwa mara nyingine ninaomba niwatake radhi kwa usumbufu na kuwashukuru
kwa uvumilivu wenu.
Rene Meza
Mkurugenzi Mtendaji
Commonwealth Academic Fellowships for Mid-Career Academics in UK, 2014.
Each year, UK Department for International Development (DFID) funds
academic fellowships for mid-career academics from developing
Commonwealth countries. These fellowships enable fellows to spend three
months to network and update knowledge and skills related to their
academic subject and responsibilities at any approved UK university or
higher education institution. The CSC also invites alumni who held
Commonwealth Scholarships for PhD to apply directly to the CSC for a
Commonwealth Academic Fellowship. All eligible alumni will be sent a
letter with details of how to apply. All applications must be made
through your nominating university/university body in applicants’ home country. The
deadline for applications is 3 December 2013.
Study Subject(s): The purpose of the Academic Fellowships is to provide an opportunity for Fellows to network and update knowledge and skills related to their academic subject and responsibilities.
Course Level: The Fellowships are awarded for mid-career academics to spend three months at any approved UK university or higher education institution.
Scholarship Provider: UK Department for International Development (DFID)
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: To apply for a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship, candidates should:
-Be Commonwealth citizens, refugees, or British protected persons
-Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country
-Be available to commence their Fellowship in the United Kingdom on 1 September 2014. Any other start date will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances
-Have been employed for at least five years as an academic staff member of a university in a developing Commonwealth country
-Be in the employment of the nominating university
-Hold a doctorate
-For awards to enhance clinical skills in the fields of medicine and dentistry, have qualified as a doctor or dentist before 1 October 2004.
Study Subject(s): The purpose of the Academic Fellowships is to provide an opportunity for Fellows to network and update knowledge and skills related to their academic subject and responsibilities.
Course Level: The Fellowships are awarded for mid-career academics to spend three months at any approved UK university or higher education institution.
Scholarship Provider: UK Department for International Development (DFID)
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
Eligibility: To apply for a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship, candidates should:
-Be Commonwealth citizens, refugees, or British protected persons
-Be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country
-Be available to commence their Fellowship in the United Kingdom on 1 September 2014. Any other start date will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances
-Have been employed for at least five years as an academic staff member of a university in a developing Commonwealth country
-Be in the employment of the nominating university
-Hold a doctorate
-For awards to enhance clinical skills in the fields of medicine and dentistry, have qualified as a doctor or dentist before 1 October 2004.
Rasimu ya Katiba ibara ya 215 inasema vyanzo vya
mapato ya Muungano, kikubwa, ni ushuru wa bidhaa. Wajumbe wa Tume
wanasema walifanya hesabu sawa sawa na fedha hizo zitatosha kuendesha
Muungano. Lazima aliyewafanyia hayo mahesabu ama aliwapotosha au hajui.
Mwaka 2012/13 Ushuru wa bidhaa (ndani na nje) uliingiza mapato ya tshs
1.5 trilioni tu. Fedha hii inatosha kuendesha Wizara ya Ulinzi peke
Haitoshi hata kuhudumia Deni la Taifa (ambalo mkopaji ni
Jamhuri ya Muungano). Huu muungano utaendeshwaje?
Rasimu inapaswa
kufanyiwa kazi sana. Nahisi Tume ilikuwa na haraka na haikutafakari kwa
kina baadhi ya masuala.
Mambo ya Muungano inabidi yaangaliwe upya
kabisa ili kuboresha mfumo wa Serikali 3 unaopendekezwa ikiwemo kuzuia
Washirika wa Muungano kuunda vikosi vyao vya kijeshi, Ulinzi na usalama.
Suala la biashara ya kimataifa na hata suala la usimamizi wa maliasili
(regulatory function).
Source:Zitto Social media.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Djotodia aapishwa kama rais wa Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Kati.
Kiongozi wa zamani wa waasi ambaye alifanya mapinduzi
katika Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Kati Michel Djotodia ameapishwa kama rais.
Bwana Djotodia ameahidi kuandaa uchaguzi kufikia
mwanzo wa mwaka ujao. Tangu achukue uongozi mwezi Machi kupitia kikundi
cha waasi wa Seleka nchi hiyo imetajwa kutumbukia zaidi katika umaskini
na utovu wa sheria.Shirika la Umoja wa mataifa linakadiria kuwa zaidi ya thuluthi moja ya raia wa nchi hiyo wanahitaji msaada wa dharura.
Baraza la uslama la Umoja wa mataifa limeonya kuwa kuongezeka kwa ukatili na uvunjifu wa sheria katika Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Kati inatishia usalama na uthabiti wa eneo lote.
Msemaji wa rais wa zamani Francois Bozize ambaye aling'olewa madarakani na bwana Djotodia amemtaja kiongozi huyo mpya kama 'kibaraka'.
Msemaji huyo Levi Yakete, amenukuliwa katika Redio Ufaransa kusema:
'Bwana Djotodia, ambaye ameingia madarakani kwa njia ambazo sote tunaelewa, ni kibaraka tu wa Chad na Sudan. Aliingia madarakani kupitia njia ambazo hazikubaliki na watu wa Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Kati. Alipindua utawala wa kisheria na katiba, ambao ulikuwa unaongozwa na Francois Bozize.'
Chanzo : BBC
Kutoka Kagera.
Serikali Mkoani Kagera imesema mpaka sasa wahamiaji haramu wapatao 8,666 wameshaondoka na kurejea nchini kwao ambapo kati yao 500 ni Waganda na silaha zipatazo 43 zimesalimishwa.
Kutoka Uingereza
Katika Ligi kuu ya Uingereza,Tottenham 1 - Crystal Palace 0
wakati katika mtanange kati ya Chelsea vs Hull City matokeo ni Chelsea 2 - Hull 0
Serikali Mkoani Kagera imesema mpaka sasa wahamiaji haramu wapatao 8,666 wameshaondoka na kurejea nchini kwao ambapo kati yao 500 ni Waganda na silaha zipatazo 43 zimesalimishwa.
Kutoka Uingereza
Katika Ligi kuu ya Uingereza,Tottenham 1 - Crystal Palace 0
wakati katika mtanange kati ya Chelsea vs Hull City matokeo ni Chelsea 2 - Hull 0
Katika moja ya maazimio ya Kamati za Bunge za
mahesabu ya Umma (Kamati ya Hesabu za Serikali, Kamati ya Hesabu za
Serikali za Mitaa na Kamati ya Bajeti) iliamuriwa kuwa Serikali ianze
utaratibu wa kukusanya maduhuli yake kwa kutoa risiti za kielektroniki.
Azimio hilo linasema
“Maduhuli ya Serikali sasa yakusanywe kwa
kutumia risiti za elektroniki. Serikali Kuu, Serikali za Mitaa na
Mashirika ya Umma yaanze kutumia risiti za eletroniki mara moja ili
kudhibiti upotevu wa mapato ya serikali yanayotokea hivi sasa katika
kutumia risiti zinazoandikwa kwa mkono. Pia ofisi za serikali zifanye
manunuzi yake kwa wafanyabiashara wanaotumia mashine za kielektroniki.”
Nimepitia Mpango wa Serikali wa Mapato (Volume I – Financial Statement
and Revenue Estimates 2013/14) na kugundua kuwa mapato yasiyo ya kikodi
yamekadiriwa kuwa ni shilingi bilioni 741 kutoka Wizara, Idara na Mikoa
na shi...lingi bilioni 383 kutoka kwenye Halmashauri za
Wilaya, Miji na Manispaa. Sikuweza kupata mapato ya Mashirika ya Umma
maana hayaletwi kwenye Bajeti za Serikali.
Wizara 10 zinazoongoza
kwa Mapato (mapato kwenye mabano ni Wizara ya Nishati na Madini ( 220
bn), Wizara ya Fedha (126bn), Wizara ya Ardhi (100 bn), Wizara ya
Maliasili (84 bn), Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani – Uhamiaji (92 bn), Wizara
ya Mifugo (19 bn), Wizara ya Mambo ya Nje (16 bn) na Wizara ya Mambo ya
Ndani – Polisi (17 bn), kati ya hizi shilingi 16 bilioni ni kutoka idara
ya Trafiki (traffic notification fees).
Kutokana na mafanikio ya
makusanyo ya VAT ambapo inaonyesha kuwa mapato ya Serikali yameongezeka
kwa asilimia 60 (kutoka 500 bn mpaka 800 bn), na kutokana na rekodi
mbalimbali za Serikali zinazoonyesha kuwa zaidi ya asilimia 50 ya
makusanyo ya Serikali hayafiki Serikalini, ni dhahiri kuanzishwa kwa
makusanyo kwa risiti za kielektroniki kutapandisha mapato ya Serikali
zaidi ya mara mbili. Idara ya Usalama barabarani peke yake inasemekana
kuwa makusanyo ya sasa ni theluthi tu ya makusanyo stahili kutokana na
rekodi za ‘notifications’ barabarani.
Risiti za elektroniki kwa
kukusanya maduhuli ya Serikali yanaweza kuongeza mapato ya Serikali
maradufu na kuepuka mtindo wa Serikali wa kupandisha kodi kwenye bidhaa
muhimu kwa wananchi. Uamuzi wa Kamati za Bunge za Mahesabu wa kuitaka
Serikali kukusanya maduhuli yake kwa kutumia risiti za elektroniki
unapaswa kuungwa mkono na kila Mtanzania.
Zitto Kabwe
Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for International Applicants in USA, 2014.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are funding
ten Einstein postdoctoral fellowship programs for pursuing research that
is broadly related to the science goals of the NASA Physics of the
Cosmos program. International applicants are eligible for this
postdoctoral fellowship. The duration of funding is about three years
which covers annual stipend, plus health insurance, relocation costs and
provides funding for research related travel, computing needs and other
research costs. The fellowship is awarded on the basis of the
applicant’s research proposal as well as the curriculum vitae, list of
publications, summary of previous and current research and three letters
of reference. The online application should be submitted by November 7,
Study Subject(s): The fellowship provides an opportunity for highly qualified, recent postdoctoral scientists to conduct independent research that is broadly related to the science goals of the NASA Physics of the Cosmos program.
Course Level: This fellowship is awarded for pursuing a postdoctoral program at Host Institutions in USA.
Scholarship Provider: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility:- Applicants must have received a Ph.D., Sc.D., or equivalent doctoral-level research degree in astronomy, physics, or a related discipline after January 1, 2011.
-Applicants who have not yet formally received their degree must present evidence of having completed the academic requirements before commencing the Fellowship.
-Einstein Fellowships are open to citizens of the United States and to English-speaking citizens of other countries.
-Non-US applicants should read the VISA requirements under the “Additional Information” section below before applying. [Note: The United States is defined as the 50 states and the District of Columbia.] Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, or national origin.
-Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Study Subject(s): The fellowship provides an opportunity for highly qualified, recent postdoctoral scientists to conduct independent research that is broadly related to the science goals of the NASA Physics of the Cosmos program.
Course Level: This fellowship is awarded for pursuing a postdoctoral program at Host Institutions in USA.
Scholarship Provider: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility:- Applicants must have received a Ph.D., Sc.D., or equivalent doctoral-level research degree in astronomy, physics, or a related discipline after January 1, 2011.
-Applicants who have not yet formally received their degree must present evidence of having completed the academic requirements before commencing the Fellowship.
-Einstein Fellowships are open to citizens of the United States and to English-speaking citizens of other countries.
-Non-US applicants should read the VISA requirements under the “Additional Information” section below before applying. [Note: The United States is defined as the 50 states and the District of Columbia.] Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, or national origin.
-Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
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