Venue: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)
Organized by: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
(MUHAS), Directorate of Library Services
Course Fee for Tanzanians: Tshs. 450,000/=
Course Fee for Non-Tanzanians: US$ 250/=
Overall Course objectives:
Course Fee for Tanzanians: Tshs. 450,000/=
Course Fee for Non-Tanzanians: US$ 250/=
Overall Course objectives:
This four-day workshop will equip
participants with relevant skills in organization, digitization,
preservation, securities and challenges of electronic records.
Course Main
- Records keeping overview
- Introductory components of E- records with related concepts
- Statutory requirements of e records and
- Effects of not maintaining e- records
- Access and control of E-records
- How to design and implement E-records System and Considerations for e- records System
Who Should Attend? The course is essential to those interested in
acquiring skills on electronic records management. Beneficiary of the
course includes professionals from both public as well as private
sectors such as librarians, human resource personnel, records personnel,
registry officers, information officers, archivists and documentalists.
Format: The training methodology will involve lectures,
hands-on exercises, and presentations. Participatory methods will be
encouraged throughout the course.
For further information about the workshop and workshop registration, please contact the following:
William J.
Tel: 0713-236649,
Kesia Rad
Kesia Rad
Also copy to:
Dr. Edda Tandi