Thursday, April 3, 2014


Scholarship Opportunity for PhD Studies Tenable at UDSM (Tanzania) 2014/2015 Academic year

University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), in conjunction with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) is enhancing capacity building on climate change in relation to vulnerability and resilience of coastal ecosystems and communities with an explicit focus on coastal resource governance, community access, control, and rights to coastal resources, participation in decision-making, and gender roles in coastal Tanzania and Zanzibar. The project is supported by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Building in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED).

The goal of the project is to promote people and ecosystem resilience to climate change and strengthen livelihoods in the coastal communities in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. The intended outcome is to promote adaptation to climate change and resilient livelihoods among coastal communities in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar through capacity development in higher education and research.

Centre for Climate Change Studies (CCCS), University of Dar es Salaam and Tropical Research Centre for Oceanography, Environment and Natural Resources (TROCEN), State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) are now accepting scholarship applications for PhD studies tenable at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). Seven positions are tenable this year, with at least 4 females and 3 males. Students will spend 50% of their time in Norway and the rest in Tanzania during year 1 and year 3 of the project timeframe. During year 2 and 4, students will spend 100% of the time in Tanzania collecting data and finalizing their studies. The fellowship will cover tuition, a modest stipend and field costs.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Vongozi wa Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Prof. Longinus Rutasitara (Kushoto) na Bibi Florence Mwanri (Kulia) wakiangalia moja ya bomba la kusafirishia gesi. Bomba moja lina uzito wa tani tano na urefu wa mita 11. Mpaka sasa jumla ya kilomita 350 kati ya kilomita 492 zimeshatandazwa. 

Na Saidi Mkabakuli
Maendeleo ya ujenzi wa bomba la gesi kutoka Mtwara hadi Dar es Salaam unatarajiwa kukamilika mwishoni mwa mwezi Julai mwaka huu kufuatia kuendelea vyema kasi ya kundaza bomba hilo.
Wakizungumza na wakaguzi wa miradi ya maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango, Wahandisi wa Ujenzi kutoka Shirika la Mafuta Tanzania (TPDC), Mhandisi Mwita Yagela na Mhandisi Omary Kitiku wamesema kuwa kasi ya sasa ya ujenzi wa kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi kilichopo kijiji cha Madimba, mkoani Mtwara inatia moyo na hivyo kuashiria kukamilika kwa mchakato huo kwa wakati.
Mhandisi wa Ujenzi kutoka Shirika la Mafuta Tanzania (TPDC), Mhandisi Mwita Yagela (Kulia) akiwaonesha michoro ya ujenzi wa kiwanda cha kuchakata gesi Timu ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Maendeleo kutoka Ofisi ya Rais, Tume ya Mipango ilipotembelea eneo la ujenzi huo, Madimba, mkoani Mtwara. Wanaotazama ni wakaguzi hao, kutoka kushoto ni Prof. Longinus Rutasitara, Bibi Salome Kingdom, Bibi Florence Mwanri na Bw. Jordan Matonya.



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